10+ Royalty-Free Dog Clip Art for Free Download

Whether you’re looking for dog clip art, or you want to find out more about dogs as well as interesting facts about our furry friends, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you’ll find some fascinating things about dogs that you never knew. We have also provided some of the common types of dog clip arts available on illustAC and how you can use them for different projects.

People use clip arts for different reasons, whether personal or commercial, but sometimes they usually find it out to find the right ones to use. If you’re in this category of designers, we recommend checking illustAC for the available options.

Without further ado, let us continue with everything you should know about dogs and the different types of dog clip arts available on illustAC.

Everything to Know About Dogs

In most homes today, you’ll see that part of the domestic animals they keep as a pet is dogs. It is in fact the most common pet that people like to keep, and the dog is usually referred to as man’s best friend. What many people don’t know yet is that dogs are actually domesticated descendants of the wolf species, but they are mostly characterized by their upturning tails.

Dogs are derived from one of the extinct species of wolves, but their closest relatives are the modern-day wolf. The wolf species were first domesticated over 15,000 years ago by hunter-gatherers, long before agriculture became developed. Since then, dogs have been in close association with humans, and this has led to the creation of many other species through cross-breeding.

For many years now, different people have constantly been selectively breeding dogs for different physical attributes, sensory capabilities, and behaviors. Today, there are different dog breeds in different parts of the world, and they mostly vary in their shape, color, and size.

People keep the animals for different reasons. This includes aiding disabled people, therapy, companionship, assisting the military and police, protection, pulling loads, herding, and hunting. Due to the long relationship dog has had with human, they have been able to adapt to human behavior through time.

Most Popular Dog Breeds

As mentioned earlier, there are so many dog breeds today, and these dog breeds are mostly peculiar to certain regions in the world. This means that a dog breed you’ll find in some countries may not be available in other countries due to differences in weather and climatic conditions of these regions.

We cannot completely make a list of all the different dog breeds available today. However, there are certain breeds that are more popular than others and can be found in most homes. Some of the most popular dog breeds that you’ll find today are Poodle, Bulldog, Golden Retriever, Boxer, Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd, Huskies, Beagle, and many other dog breeds.

Most Popular Dog Breeds

One impressive thing is that you can find different libraries that contain all the different dog breeds available in different parts of the world. This also contains their distinctive feature, traits, and behaviors.

Types of Dog Clip Art

Now that we have mentioned some of the most important things that you should know about dogs, we can now continue with the different dog clip art that you’ll find on illustAC. All the clip arts that you’ll find on illustAC are grouped into various categories, and this is mostly depending on their use.

One of the categories that people tend to use a lot is dog clip art. In the dog clip art category, you’ll find different options that you can use for different projects. Dog clip art will come in handy for someone who wants to paste a beware of dogs sign on his house. People who like dogs can also download the dog clip art available on illustAC and use on as wallpaper and as a screensaver.

There are so many ways to use dog clip art, and you can easily use these dog clip arts for advertisement, on websites, or even on your social media platform.

When it comes to finding the right clip art to use, people don’t usually know how to go about it. However, illustAC makes things a lot easier, and you can easily find the dog clip art that you are looking for. All you need to do is to use the search feature and type in the keyword relating to the dog clip art that you want.

Here are some of the different types of dog clip art that you can find on illustAC:

Dog Clipart

Cute Dog Clipart

Puppy Clip Art

Cartoon Dog Clipart

Dog Black and White Clip Art

Regardless of the type of dog clip art that you are looking for, one of the most important things is to ensure that you choose the right dog clip art to use. For this, you only need to properly align the image to suit the purpose it’s to serve. In addition, you also need to ensure that the design of the dog clip arts and the colors included are perfect for your brand.

Amazing Facts About Dogs

Dogs are amazing and great pets to keep, and they provide companionship and love. A dog will always be there whenever you need them. However, there’s so much more to know about them, apart from being just great companions.

We have outlined some of the interesting facts about dogs that you probably didn’t know. These amazing facts include the following:

Dogs Have Great Sense of Smell

Research shows that the sense of smell of a dog is 40 times better than that of a human being. The part of the brain that is responsible for detecting smell in the brain is 40 times larger in dogs than in humans, and that is why they can easily pick any smell around. Today, this unique feature is explored by different security agencies and regulatory bodies. Dogs are used a lot in sniffing out drugs, people, and money.

Some Dogs Can Sniff Out Medical Problems

It’s fascinating to know that there are dogs that can actually sniff out medical problems, and they are usually called medical detection dogs. Their sense of smell is so great that they are trained to be able to identify different medical conditions by simply sniffing the problem.

These types of dogs are widely used in diagnoses today. In some cases, they will help alert their owners when they need urgent medical attention or medications.

Dogs Can Sniff while Breathing

There are so many interesting things about the sense of smell of dogs alone. They mostly rely on their sense of smell to find potential dangers, friends, and food, and this is the main reason why they tend to sniff a lot. Unlike humans, the nose of a dog is in such a way that smells stay, even while they breathe in and out, which is amazing. This implies that sniffing has nothing to do with how they breathe.

Dogs are Great Swimmers

Although not every dog can swim, and there are some breeds that don’t even like the sight of water. However, dogs that swim, they tend to be great swimmers. If you have a dog and you go swimming, always keep an eye on them, especially when they swim toward a deep area.

When it comes to swimming, one of the best species is the Newfoundlands, and they are used a lot as water rescue dogs today.

Some Dogs Are So Fast That They Could Beat a Cheetah

When it comes to speed, the cheetah remains the fastest animal in the world, but there may be a few exceptions to this. In general, a dog can easily outrun a human because they are built to chase and run. Dogs are generally fast, but Greyhounds are the fastest dog breed, and they can go as fast as 45mph within a few seconds after they start running.

You might be curious to know how this can beat a cheetah. Cheetahs can go as high as 70mph, but they can only do this for a very short time, and it’s barely up to a minute. Greyhounds on the other hand can continue going at 35mph for as much as seven miles. With that, they can easily overtake a cheetah.

Dogs Don’t Sweat Like Humans

Dogs actually sweat, but you just won’t see them with damp armpits frequently. Humans on the other hand secrete a watery liquid when they sweat, and this helps to keep us cool. With dogs, it is a pheromone-laden oily substance that they release, and we can’t easily detect this substance, and that’s why we think they don’t sweat.

The only place you are likely to notice a dog sweat like humans is on its paws. Dogs mostly pant to cool down, and that’s the main reason why it’s advisable to keep dogs in warmer environments to make it a lot easier for them.

Dogs can be right or left-pawed

There are so many studies that have been carried out on dogs, and these studies are all aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the different dog species. One of such studies was on their paws, and it turns out that dogs also have a preference, and they can either be right or left-pawed. You can easily determine which is the case with your dogs by handing them different items to see which paw they use first.

Dogs Have Super Sensitive Ears

In addition to their very impressive sense of smell, dogs also have a very remarkable sense of hearing, and this is a feature that is greatly used by different security agencies. Dogs can hear and higher frequencies than humans, and they can also hear further. In addition, they can hear very soft frequencies that we can’t normally hear with our ears.

It’s worth mentioning that dogs can hear from distances that are 4 times that of what a human being can hear. They can detect sound at frequencies between 67-45,000 Hz. This trait is also used in search and rescue dogs, especially where they will need to track noise.

18 Muscles Control a Dog’s Ear

One of the noticeable features of a dog is the ears, which tend to move about a lot. This is primarily because they have up to 18 muscles around their ears, and this is responsible for the movement. The muscles make it easy for dogs to be able to identify the direction of noises easily. It also makes it easy for owners to be able to tell the mood of the dog based on the direction they point their ears to.

There are so many body expressions that generally make it easy for owners to be able to tell their dog’s mood, and the ear is among the key things to look at.

Dog’s Intelligence is like that of a Two-Year-Old

The last fact that we would consider before we continue to the different types of dog clip art is their level of intelligence. Dogs are generally easier to train, and they also learn fast, which is why they can be used for different jobs, and they perform well. It can be said that the level of intelligence of a dog is equivalent to that of a two-year-old child.


We have been able to cover everything that you should know about dogs, including some of the interesting facts about these beautiful creatures. In addition, we have also highlighted some of the different dog clip arts that you’ll find on illustAC, and you can use these clip arts for different personal and commercial uses. It’s worth noting that all the images we have mentioned above are all gotten from illustAC, and there are more waiting for you to download. Also, you can download these dog clip arts in different file formats, depending on your preference.

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