The year 2021 is coming to an end, and as a graphic designer, it’s time to get ready for newer design trends in the coming year. With 2022 being around the corner already, there are certain rules of graphic design trends that will change. But what’s certain is that the year will be glorious and even better.
Graphics design is very important, and it is widely applied in many ways. It is used in creating a sense of identity and also promoting the appearance of a brand. Graphic design is a tool that is used by different brands to inform, convince, and even provide brand education to their audience.
This is a dynamic field, and as a designer, it is important to understand the regular changes in the world of graphic design. Sometimes, keeping up with these changes can be hard, but it’s a matter of time. Each year comes with its own trend, and as we prepare for the coming year, it is important to know the trends to expect.
Graphic designers need to know the trends to explore in 2022, which is why we have provided an outline of these trends in this article. You can implement them in your activities and be sure of getting the best results in 2022. Read on to find out more about graphic design trends in 2022 and in several years to come.
What are the Graphic Design Trends to Expect?
1. Colorful Minimalism – 2022 Graphic Design Trends to follow
The conventional idea is that minimalism is a combination of white background and black text. However, images used this way often lack the desired colorfulness and brightness. From the work of different designers over the past few years, the concept of minimalistic design has changed in many ways. Today, important sense-bearing components are mostly applied in minimalism when mixing two designs.
An example of this is seen with Apple, a global giant that has implemented muted and neutral color palettes in its marketing strategy. It is worth mentioning that color palettes are not a limitation for modern designers. There are so many stunning combinations of awesome designs, even with the traditional minimalism.
Creativity and color are now the advantages that are explored by different brands, especially those that have eliminated unwanted elements and emphasized more on the visual effect.

2. Unique Fonts – 2022 Graphic Design Trends to follow
As the online space continues to diversify, changes are imminent. Words alone are rapidly becoming insufficient in conveying meaning across different cultures, and this is an opportunity for most designers to explore. In 2022, designers will utilize lettering that is expressive, creative, and, most of all, legible.
This is a typography trend that is expected to break regular standards. For example, a single letter may be bigger or smaller, upside down, missing, or even presented with a different font. There are so many ways for designers to explore this trend in the coming year. This is because the trend is all about experimentation based on personal preference.
As mentioned earlier, the trend is about combining mind-bending shapes, amorphous blogs, and mismatched letters. One thing you should note as a designer is that this is a risky trend to try, especially if you have an audience that is not easy to please. However, the reward of this is the freedom to express yourself as you please.

3. Geometric Shapes – 2022 Graphic Design Trends to follow
Over the past few years, designers across the world have continuously incorporated geometric shapes into their designs. Most of the abstract shapes that were used by designers in the past are now being replaced with geometric shapes.

The interesting thing is that you can combine these shapes with any image. You only need to be creative. Popular companies like Venngage, Zendesk, and Rivet now use geometric shapes. In addition, you can utilize geometric shapes in displaying content, reflecting a brand, and presenting data. Also, you can add muted colors and attractive visual effects to the shapes.
See more geometric free vectors
4. Bubble Design – 2022 Graphic Design Trends to follow
Designers are constantly in search of ways to inspire their professional work. In the coming year, designers are expected to reinvent different lettering styles and rounded graphics. Bubble shapes are undeniably attractive, particularly because they depict friendliness.

However, unlike the conventional bubble shapes and fonts, 2022 bubble design trends are more about exaggeration with psychedelic colors and more elongated forms. This gives a grow-up feel to the entire design.
5. Attention to Inclusion – 2022 Graphic Design Trends to follow
The recent “Black Lives Matter” movement in different parts of the world has stimulated the interest in social prejudices. Today, the movement is a source of inspiration for everyone, including graphic designers. It offers diversity and is represented in different designs today.

Graphic designers now use this trend in portraying the diversity and implementing changes with stock photos and colorful illustrations. Designers who portray black people in their artwork have recorded huge changes in different aspects. It is expected that in 2022, more designers will pay attention to inclusion, especially when highlighting different skin colors, beliefs, and cultures.
6. Psychedelic Design – 2022 Graphic Design Trends to follow
Psychedelic design traces back to the 1960s, during which the melting, distorted, and twisting aesthetics changed a lot in the world of design. This is a design technique that originated from social unrest and drug use. Designers consider this style of art to open the mind, but this only creates a gap with traditional art. This is why most of the old arts, images, and pictures that were designed with this style mostly portrayed chaos.

Psychedelic design is bound to be utilized a lot in the coming year. However, this will be utilized in a more complex way, alongside richer colors. However, in 2022, this trend will be with greater symmetry and will not only portray chaos.
7. Abstract Line Art & Muted Colors – 2022 Graphic Design Trends to follow
Muted color palettes gained popularity and were widely applied to design in 2021. It is expected that these colors will be used a lot in the coming years. It is worth mentioning that muted colors are vivid and realistic colors with their edge removed and infused with white, black, or other complementary colors.
Gone are the days of bold and bright colors. More muted colors will be applied in 2022. Different global companies are already using these colors, and a popular example today is LinkedIn.

Another thing to note about muted colors is that they offer a more organic vibe, and this makes them perfect for use in health and wellness brands. The application of muted colors in graphics is a growing trend with so many benefits. Another benefit of using these colors, especially in the background, is that it makes text and objects stand out.
8. 2D and 3D Designs – 2022 Graphic Design Trends to follow
3D design trend is a continuously growing, ongoing, and evolving trend. This is because it offers endless possibilities to designers and allows them to explore their imaginative capabilities. In the coming year, designers will creatively utilize hyper-realistic 3D visuals with 2D designs. The aim is to bring the best to the design world.
One of the unique things about this trend is that it is adaptable and can be used for any format, whether animation or illustrations. It can also be applied to typography, app design, and web design.
9. 3D & Candy Popup Colors – 2022 Graphic Design Trends to follow
There is an increase in the need for designers to come up with designs that will stand out, whether it is for websites, apps, or any other artwork. The importance of visual appeal cannot be overemphasized. It is a key thing to ensure if you want your art to grab the attention of your viewers.
There are so many ways to ensure that a design is visually appealing and will stand out. One of these ways is by using vibrant candy colors. Digital artists and other professional designers fully understand color theories and know the right way to create bold and striking designs with candy colors.

This doesn’t mean that pastel colors won’t be used anymore. However, one way to create bold designs and use these designs to spread positivity in the coming year is by using candy colors. Another amazing thing about candy colors is that they can be translated into different fields, including web design, animation, illustration, and typography.
10. Collage Art Deco – 2022 Graphic Design Trends to follow
In addition to all the design trends highlighted above, a new trend that stands out with strong lines and a clean and more organizing design is Art Deco. This design trend combines machine-age and classic geometry.
This design style was first introduced in the early 20th century. The design is all about modernism and innovation. It is a style that is presented with resilience, quiet dignity, and sturdiness. It is worth noting that this is an anti-traditional style with bold outlines and geometric forms.

Graphic designers always come up with ways to bring the best out of every design trend. In the coming year, art deco will be widely applied in architecture, decorative art, and digital designs. The design will be applied to business cards, websites, illustrations, and also in posters.
Making the Most of These Graphic Design Trends in 2022
One common thing about all the graphic design trends for 2022 that we have highlighted above is that they are all aimed at bringing pleasure and meaning to designs. Designers in different parts of the world empower themselves and open their minds to vivid colors, futurism, movement, and more. 2022 is undoubtedly a year to look forward to.
The most important thing for every designer is to keep up with the current trends while embracing newer trends. Remember that graphic design trends are constantly changing. As a graphic designer, you need to commit your time to learning trends as they come up. You need to be ready to expand your specialization, especially if you want to stay relevant.
Another thing you should be ready to keep up within the coming year is the use of stock images and illustrations. illustAC is a reliable site to get stock photos illustrations for free. This is a site that will make it a lot easier for you to apply the different graphic design trends for 2022 into your design. The site features different categories, and you can be sure to find any type of free illustrations and vector graphics you want.